Tag mental skills building

March 11th Tip of the Week: Setting Loving Limits with Your Coach.Tips for Athletes

Hey athletes! Do you ever feel pressured by a coach to keep playing through pain, compete when you're exhausted, or repeatedly attempt a skill that scares you? As someone who struggled with people pleasing, setting healthy boundaries used to be a VERY stressful topic. I didn’t want to seem difficult or offend anyone. After leaving the athletic world and venturing
into the medical field I've learned the hard way how vital emotional intelligence is for upholding your personal boundaries while still being coachable.

February 26th Tip of the Week: Get to Know Who You Are.

Who are you? I've asked this question to many of my clients and more often than not, they are unable to answer the question. This question is often met with a loud sigh "ouffff" and "sheesh Karelle that was deep". They are right, it is a tough and thought provoking question that I don't believe we spend enough time reflecting on...