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Hover over the images of the EYP Community members below to read about what Embrace Your Pace means to them and share your EYP story to connect with others in the community. 

Embrace your pace means taking comfort in your process, your timing and your journey. Not judging yourself for having a different path than others. Not comparing your self to others and really just striving to live your best life just as you are.

For years, I would measure my level of success against my peers. I would see people getting great jobs, taking expensive vacations, and partying every weekend. I would always question what I was doing and why the same type of success wasn’t happening to me.


Once I stopped focusing on those around me and began focusing on the things in my control, things turned for the better. In the space of a year, I moved from LA to Seattle and went from working three jobs to beginning a career as an Athletic Director. 


For me, Embrace Your Pace means taking full advantage of each moment while continuing to work towards your next step. We all move at our own pace, so keep it moving!

Caught between two identities… who I used to be and who I am supposed to be. The fear of losing something that was so comfortable to me and not pushing myself to embrace who I really am. I decided to embrace my true pace. I’m here, and I’m present.

Today marks the longest I’ve gone without any Adderall for 7+ years. I’m noticing the reason why I took it for so long was to numb these feelings of anxiety and depression. And now that I’m off of it, I’m feeling every physical and emotional feeling on the damn spectrum.

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, like I’m not doing enough in life, with my life, for others, etc. Adderall kept me amped and moving, but your shirt came in today. It reminded me to embrace my pace. Sometimes by slowing down, we go farther. We all have different journeys and are going at different speeds. Every speed is perfect; the key is to trust, love, and hold space for your pace!

I embrace my pace by taking every day as an opportunity for growth. It is so easy to compare where you’re at to where others are, I’ve learned the true way to embrace my pace is to acknowledge that everyone has their own journey, everyone has their own path and everything will happen in the right timing.

In the meantime l chose to give myself grace throughout the growing pains and to embrace the new lessons I learn about myself on a daily basis.

Everyone has a pace, right? But does everyone follow their own or conform to the pace of their surroundings?  Well, I’ve been able to stay up even when I was down because I followed through with my pace.

About a year ago, I was working for a new pro football league and made it to week 8 of a 10-week season. Four days before the week 8 game, I, along with thousands of others, was fired on Twitter. Crazy right?! How about you add to the story that I was living in Florida at the time (I’m from LA). To add more to the story, my lease to my apartment was up in a week.

It wasn’t time for panicking; it was time to embrace where I was and make a move to the next opportunity. I made the move from Florida to Las Vegas in a span of two weeks with nothing lined up. I had one friend in Vegas who had a couch for me, so I took it.

Sitting here looking at this one year later, I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t know I would bounce back. The whole idea of embracing your pace is to follow what’s right for you. My time in Florida was over, so I had to embrace it and make a new move. Today I’m back like I didn’t fall off- working at UNLV and also a Realtor. I could have panicked in my situation, but I didn’t. I embraced it and took it the best I could at my own pace.

If there’s anyone out there in a hole, remember this is your story. Follow your pace and write your story how you intend it to be.

We’re all born with our unique gifts and passions. I always felt like it was my job to discover what those are and how to live a life that I could be 100% proud of. It’s easy to listen to other people (even people you admire and trust) and get off track, but that’s all part of the journey.

I’ve failed so many damn times. I’ve been so broke financially, emotionally, and spiritually. I can’t even tell you how many times I doubted my path, but I NEVER GAVE UP. I had to be comfortable with the fact that I was walking an uncommon path with a vision that people would not be able to see immediately.

In Japanese terms, I felt like a “Rōnin // 浪人” – a wanderer or a samurai without a master. Fast forward, here I am, supported by two amazing communities in Seattle, Washington, and Tokyo, Japan. I work alongside the coolest team of coaches, community stakeholders, and global partners who want to set a new international gold standard for the sports-based youth development experience. I still have much to learn, but I love my pace and am not afraid to embrace it. Series.

I play softball professionally with Athletes Unlimited and was introduced to this EYP Performance journal this past summer while playing! I’ve always wanted to journal- but feel like I’ve always needed a little guidance, which is why I love this journal so much! My husband is an Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach for football at The University of Florida, and I am the campus dietitian here. We really pride ourselves on being a safe space for our guys to come as they are, and we will love them where they are at.

Now that I have found your perfect journal, I will give them as a gift from my husband and I to any of our football players that have to have surgery or have a major setback/injury

EYP Community

We are building a community of people committed to following their own path to success and empowering others to do the same.

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