

January 29th Tip of the Week: Habits Over Motivation

Ok, we are one month into the New Year. How is it going? Are you still on track to achieve your New Year’s resolutions or is the fire starting to die down? In the last two blogs, we talked about the importance of goal-setting and self-motivation. The problem is, motivation goes up and down so we can’t rely solely on motivation to get us to the finish line. We also need discipline.

My IVF Journey

It still seems a little weird for me to say “my IVF” journey. This really wasn’t in my starting a family plan I created. My plan was straight forward and simple; retire from track and field (which while we’re on the topic didn’t go according to my plan either), get pregnant within a few months, twins would be nice, coach, have more kid(s) and go on happily ever after........

Once we decided to go the IVF route it became very clear to Wes and I that letting go of our expectations and, embracing our pace, if you will, was going to lead to a more enjoyable process.

January 15th Tip of the Week: Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions

We are already halfway through the first month of the new year! How are you doing with the resolutions you made at the beginning of the year? Are you still on track? Are you still feeling the same motivation and sense of excitement? Hopefully you answered yes to the last couple of questions. If so, this means that you did a great job setting SMART goals. But, even with SMART goals, motivation can wax and wane. 

Navigating Anxiety During the Holidays

Some traditional holiday memories might include movie watching, hot cocoa sipping, gazing at lights on houses, eating delicious foods and desserts, gift giving, and spending time with family. While many can relate to each other over cherished traditions and memories with families over the holidays, for some others, the holidays may ignite a sense of anxiety, unbearable worry, and dread. 

This affects not only your emotional health, but may also impact your physical, social, and spiritual health as well. Anxiety is often followed by depression, and this vicious cycle can seem like it's never ending. 

November 27th, Tip Of The Week: Decompress After the Holidays

Last time, you prepared an action plan to help you manage your health during the holidays. Preparing for events is important. What we often forget to think about, however, is what  happens after it’s all over? Ever heard of the “post-holiday blues”? Sometimes we can experience a “crash” or “slump” after such a busy and emotionally charged period.

November 13th, Tip Of The Week: Prepare for the Holidays

The holiday season is around the corner for many of us. For some, the holiday season represents a joy filled time. Good food, traditions and activities in the company of friends and family.  For others, holidays can be stressful and challenging. Either way, we recommend preparing for the holidays with a view to managing your wellbeing.