Goal setting is something we do in our day to day lives whether we realize it or not. Some goals might be smaller than others like getting a load of laundry done, while some may be larger, like losing 10 pounds. Either way, goals should meet certain criteria - they should be “SMART”. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

Last time you created a goal/challenge for the month of October. You are now about half-way through the month. It's time to check-in with yourself to see if you’re on track or if you need to make some adjustments.

A lot of us want to learn, grow and evolve. But how willing are you to leave your comfort zone to get there?

Most of us have probably started to notice a small shift in weather. Temperature is dropping, days are slowly getting shorter and the leaves are changing colors. Although Fall can come with so much beauty, it can also be a reminder that winter is just around the corner. For some winter means snow, skiing and skating and for others it may mean their moods are going to shift.

Are you living authentically? Are you showing-up as yourself and for yourself every day? Are you acknowledging and hornoring your truth? Are you living by your beliefs and values?

Self-care is often thought of as an aftermath. It’s thought of as a reward for hard work or getting through a tough time. It should be seen , however, as a prerequisite for mental health and well-being.

There is still a huge stigma attached to mental health. But in honor of Mental Health Awareness month,I’m giving you permission to check-in with yourself and attend to your mental and emotional needs. There’s no shame, only gains!

We often spend our time rewinding to the past or fast-forwarding to the future. Today, Karelle will lead you through a grounding exercise called 5-4-3-2-1 to help you play the moments.

Too often, we are focused on where we need to go and forget where we are now. Although setting goals and envisioning our future gives us a path to follow, fully being where our feet are is what allows us to embrace our pace.